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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Im glad my dad didnt join them...RIP to his friend..

This happened last weekend. My dad called me to tell me this story. Last week, after planting the palm trees somewhere near Ranau, they decided to go back to my dad's place (somewhere in Kinabatangan). Fyi, Kinabatangan river is the longest river in Sabah. So, my dad's friend asked my dad whether he wants to join him fishing in the Kinabatangan river but my dad has to reject due to his work loads. So, his friend decided to bring another friend.

Btw, my dad friends is only 18 years old, meaning, he just finished his SPM.

So, he went with another friend to this one spot they always go with my dad. Unfortunately, I guess maybe it's just his fate, there was a crocodile there and the crocodile attacked him and dragged him away into the deep water. His friend? My dad didnt tell anything about him.

My dad and the rest of the villagers searched for the body for 2 days and guess what they found...? Just the body without head, hands and legs. I actually did asked my dad whether they're really sure that the body they found was his and not somebody else but he told me that they're really sure that it was his.

Well, Im actually really glad that my dad didnt go and join him coz if not, maybe the victim could be my dad. In the other hand, I feel very sorry to that boy and his family. He is still so young but is already dead and the worst thing is, he died being attacked by a crocodile and they never found the rest of his body.

I just hope he will rest in peace.


  1. I'm sorry to hear that.

  2. seriously, i cant stop thinking his last moment when he tried to save himself from the crocodile...'sigh'
